Contribution focused on Point 1-6 of the declaration: Climate Finance

Switzerland actively promotes the necessity of climate finance for conflict-affected countries in relevant multilateral fora and funds. Switzerland is contributing to global climate finance efforts aimed at raising USD 100 billion. In 2020, our international climate finance amounted to CHF 673 million. Around 58% of our bilateral public climate funding is allocated for adaptation. Swiss development cooperation primarily works with least developed countries many of which struggle with conflict and fragility. In its cooperation programmes, Switzerland supports the efforts of most vulnerable groups. To reach effective results in contexts affected by conflict and fragility, Switzerland applies conflict-sensitive programme management.

Contribution focused on Point 1-5 of the declaration: Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery GFDRR

Switzerland supports the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), a global partnership that helps low- and middle-income countries better understand and reduce their vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change. GFDRR provides financial support such as grant financing to the most vulnerable countries for technical assistance and expertise and invests in new analytics, innovative solutions, and tools to help improve disaster risk management and climate change adaptation operations and policies. GFDRR has as a cross-cutting priority area addressing the disaster-conflict nexus.

Contribution focused on Point 2-5 of the declaration: African Risk Capacity (ARC)

Switzerland supports the African Risk Capacity (ARC), which helps African governments improve their capacities to better plan, prepare, and respond to extreme weather events and natural disasters. It provides innovative financing including facilitating access to subsidies for the payment of natural disaster insurances that enables countries to strengthen their disaster risk management systems and access rapid and predictable financing when disaster strikes to protect the food security and livelihoods of their vulnerable populations. The ARC works with many countries coping with multiple crises, including climate change and conflict.


Contribution focused on Point 7 of the declaration: Climate Risks and Early Warning Systems Initiative

Switzerland contributes to the Climate Risks and Early Warning Systems Initiative (CREWS). CREWS supports Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States in creating necessary human capacities to generate and communicate climate and weather risks timely and effectively. CREWS delivers in some of the most difficult contexts, with a significant part of the countries it assists being fragile or conflict-affected. This allows to save millions of lives and significantly reducing economic losses caused by natural disasters and a changing climate. The Swiss contribution supports CREWS as a key mechanism to achieve the UN Early Warnings for All Initiative. Providing Swiss development, humanitarian and technical expertise to the CREWS Initiative will contribute to increased impact and sustainability of public and private investments in this field.

Contribution focused on Point 12 of the declaration: Platform on Disaster Displacement

Switzerland actively participates in the Platform on Disaster-Related Displacement. The State-led Platform on Disaster Displacement is a result of the Nansen Initiative launched by Switzerland and Norway in 2012 which sought to improve the protection of persons displaced across borders due to disasters and the negative impacts of climate change. The Protection Agenda adopted in 2015 offers States a toolbox to better prevent and prepare for displacement before a disaster strikes.

Contribution focused on Points 8, 11 and 15 of the declaration: Strengthening the Evidence Base

In the context of its mandate on the UN Security Council in 2023-24, Switzerland supports SIPRI and NUPI, think tanks and leading stakeholders on the topic of climate change and security. The project aims to advance the multilateral debate on the topic of climate and security and set the issue higher on the agenda, including through the creation of geographic fact sheets. SIPRI/NUPI fact sheets provide reliable, relevant, timely and actionable information and analysis on climate-related peace, security and development risks relating to specific countries and regions on the UN Security Council agenda.

Contribution focused on Point 7, 8, 9 and 11 of the declaration: Weather4UN

Through the Weather4UN pilot project, Switzerland supports the development of the WMO Coordination Mechanism (WCM). It aims at improving access to relevant weather and climate information and at providing expert advice for the humanitarian community. The Weather4UN Project develops a tool to estimate the combined risks and impacts of forecasted natural hazards. This will enable humanitarian actors to plan and anticipate the best responses to protect the most vulnerable populations.

Contribution focused on Points 7 and 9 of the declaration: Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF)

CERF ensures that urgently needed humanitarian assistance reaches people caught up in crises. It enables humanitarian responders to deliver life-saving assistance whenever and wherever crises strike. In 2023, Switzerland doubled its contribution to CHF 10 million for the CERF to support anticipatory measures. During the year, CERF disbursed $28.5 million for anticipatory funding targeting 700,000 people. This included anticipatory action frameworks for drought, flooding or cholera. Furthermore, the CERF committed to use 10 per cent of its expenses for anticipatory action.

Contribution focused on Points 7 and 9 of the declaration: Disaster Response Emergency Fund (DREF)

The DREF delivers quick funding directly to local humanitarian actors both, before and immediately after a crisis hits. In 2022, Switzerland has committed a multiyear contribution of CHF 9 million to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF). Switzerland is a strong and longstanding supporter of the DREF because it is locally anchored, anticipatory and reactive as it provides high quality funding (pool fund) for National Societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent that are the first responders in emergencies and crisis. Anticipation and response to climate-related disasters constitute a majority of DREF allocations.

Contribution focused on Points 7, 9 and 10 of the declaration: Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

Switzerland supports CGIAR, a global partnership for agricultural research for development dedicated to improving nutrition, health and food security, reducing poverty, improving gender equality, fostering climate adaptation and mitigation and strengthening environmental health and biodiversity. CGIAR created the Climate Security Observatory an evidence-based decision support tool helping researchers, policy makers and other practitioners working at the intersection of climate, peace and security to understand and respond to climate-related security risks. Switzerland supports CGIAR by strengthening the CGIAR system with technical and financial contributions to important research and innovation programmes.


Contribution focused on Points 13, 14 and 15 of the declaration: Climate Security Mechanism (CSM)

Switzerland supports the CSM, which is a joint initiative between UN DPPA, UNDP, UNEP and DPO. The CSM seeks to help the UN system address climate-related security risks more systematically. In particular, Switzerland finances the deployment of a Climate, Peace and Security Advisor to the UN Office of the African Union. The Advisor will offer additional support to enhance coordination, strengthen analysis of climate, peace and security linkages, and translate policy frameworks into concrete responses.

Contribution focused on Point 7, 9, 10, 13 and 14 of the declaration: Peacebuilding Fund

Switzerland is a major donor for the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF), the UN Secretary General's main instrument for the rapid financing of prevention and peacebuilding projects. It works together with the wider UN system, national and subnational authorities, civil society organizations, regional organizations and multilateral banks. The 2023 Thematic Review on Climate Security and Peacebuilding distills trends and lessons from climate security and environmental peacebuilding programming supported by the Peacebuilding Fund, and suggests guidance for future investments in climate-security efforts in fragile and conflict affected contexts.