The Government of Sweden’s inputs to the “support package” targeting financial support for adaptation and resilience, good practice and programming and collaboration and partnerships are as follows:

Sweden is a leading provider of climate finance and intends to increase it even further and enhance its effect, strengthening synergies with innovation and trade. Sweden welcomes the ambition by the COP28-presidency to highlight the particular vulnerability to the adverse of effects of climate change that people, communities, or countries threatened by fragility or conflict, with high humanitarian needs and/or insecurity, face. Interventions, tailored to context and needs, are required to address, and reduce this vulnerability and strengthen resilience. To this end, Sweden supports countries and organizations via climate funds, global partnerships and bilateral cooperation agreements including through:

  • Adaptation Fund 2023 - 230 MSEK
  • Least Developed Countries Fund 2023 - 230 MSEK
  • UNDRR 215 MSEK total (for 2021-2026) - with an additional 60 MSEK to Early Warning for All (EW4All)
  • Sida-UNDP Programme on Environment and Climate Change 475MSEK (2020-2025), with an earmarked contribution to climate and security
  • UN-Habitat incorporates climate action and strengthened resilience in urban settings and for the urban poor in its programming. Sweden provides additional support towards strengthened climate resilience in informal settlements in LDCs and SIDS. Included in the 217 MSEK for 2020-2023 to UN Habitat.
  • Global Fund for disaster risk reduction (GFDRR at the World Bank) 120 MSEK (2021-2026)
  • International Alert (IA). Within the scope of the core support from Sweden, International Alert has been able to strengthen analysis and programming in fragile countries, as well as influencing policy spaces for peace positive and conflict sensitive climate financing. 74 MSEK (2022-2025) (note that this is not accounted for as climate finance but it contributes to reducing vulnerability and strengthen resilience in areas with conflict or insecurity).