In a world facing complex risks compounded by climate change, adelphi provides tailored analysis, dialogues and trainings, coordination between different initiatives and approaches and capacity support tools to better understand climate-related risks to human security and take action to build sustainable peace.

Solution #1 Facilitating coordination and coherence for more and better climate finance for peace through Climate for Peace initiative

Mobilising climate and biodiversity finance for peace is a central pillar of the Climate for Peace initiative's agenda for action. The initiative calls for the scaling up of finance for adaptation in line with the Glasgow call to at least double the collective provision of adaptation finance from 2019 levels by 2025. As secretariat of the initiative, adelphi will continue to establish space for participating countries to exchange experiences and make needs clear, support each other financially and match the supply and demand for implementing projects in fragile and conflict affected areas. As part of these efforts to make climate finance accessible in these contexts, adelphi co-hosted a dialogue during UNGA78 to identify workable solutions for climate financing to support sustainable peace in the lead up to COP28.

Solution #2 Building bottom-up evidence to identify climate-security risks and context-relevant responses through Weathering Risk

adelphi strengthens evidence-based responses to climate-security risks as part of the Weathering Risk initiative through developing analysis, tools and trainings to facilitate risk-informed planning, enhance capacity for action and improve operational responses that promote climate resilience and peace. Better understanding of these risks through science-based, context-specific analysis can inform tailored assistance at policy and operational levels to respond to these risks on the ground. Weathering Risk

  • offers analysis that is people-centred, intersectional and gender-disaggregated;
  • focuses on context and actor specific entry points;
  • uses state-of-the-art spatially disaggregated climate impact data and analysis;
  • is tailored to needs of specific policy makers and practitioners;
  • combines qualitative + quantitative research, uses scenarios and innovative superforecasting and is not dependent on historical data.

adelphi has conducted assessments on Haiti, Jordan, Mali, the Pacific region, Ethiopia, Uganda and more, including working with the African Union to develop a continental assessment to provide the basis for the Common African Position. In the next two years, the initiative will produce four new climate security assessments. We are also working with partners to translate analysis into peacebuilding action through projects in Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria and the Bay of Bengal as part of the Weathering Risk Peace Pillar.

Solution #3 Convening global climate, peace and security community to enable exchange and learning

adelphi works to strengthen collaboration and partnerships, promote knowledge sharing and accelerate action to scale up good practices and ensure climate programming is conflict sensitive through initiatives like Climate for Peace and forums like the annual Berlin Climate and Security Conference, which connects governments, international organisations, experts and practitioners working to promote interlinkages between different approaches within the climate, peace and security agenda and address complex new challenges. The conference promotes, coordinates and advances concrete climate security approaches and initiatives to drive action and implementation efforts and share experiences from around the globe and inform the debate in the lead up to other international fora like COP. adelphi will also continue to strengthen coordination between Climate for Peace member countries as well as between experts and the UN system through the Climate Security Expert Network.