Enhanced financial support for climate adaptation and resilience by:

To facilitate operationalization of the objectives outlined in the COP28 Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace, governments and agencies are encouraged to contribute to an initial ‘Package of Solutions’. More information on the types of contributions can be found in the “Frequently Asked Questions” document included in the Declaration.


      Continuing to scale up resources and improve access 


  • The UN Central Emergency Response Fund will continue to scale up its support to climate-related emergencies, including via a new ‘climate action account’ to help scale anticipatory, early and flexible finance for addressing climate shocks in fragile contexts, while also supporting adaptation co-benefits and strengthened resilience.


      Prioritize Local ownership and impact 


  • Through its Flagship Initiative, OCHA will aim to is empower the country-level leadership to engage with affected people and donors, and capitalize on the unique knowledge and expertise of local organizations to develop context-specific coordination and response solutions that are centred around and accountable to affected people, driven by and responsive to their priority needs and protection risks, built on affected people’s capacities and representation, and tailored to the context.


  • OCHA will continue working on the complex interlinkages between climate change and gender by increasing adequate and flexible funding for local women’s organizations working on the protection from gender-based violence and women’s economic empowerment in climate-related emergencies, and by increasing these organizations’ access and participation in humanitarian coordination and decision-making.


      Leveraging financial and technical support from the private sector 


  • Through its Centre for Humanitarian Data, OCHA will expand partnerships with leading scientific centers (such as IGAD’s Climate Predication and Application Centre) and private sector partners (such as Google) to promote the systematic use of climate forecasting tools and impact analyses across humanitarian operations.

Understand and improve good practice and programming by:

        Investing in the design and scaling up of climate change adaptation programming, including AA 


  • OCHA will facilitate, mainstream and scale up collective anticipatory action, with a guiding figure of 10% of the CERF’s annual spending on anticipatory action. OCHA will work with partners to continue expanding its current portfolio of anticipatory action frameworks, prioritizing areas and hazards of the greatest humanitarian need and integrating these where feasible with national social protection systems targeting the most vulnerable. OCHA will also continue to facilitate evidence generation of the impact of anticipatory action.


    Contribute to evidence base on effective delivery of climate action in fragile contexts and support to programming


  • OCHA will work with technical partners to understand the scope of additional hazard exposure created by climate change across the globe, and to ensure that preparedness actions, including contingency planning, assessment and response tools, are taking into account the direct and compounding impacts of climate change including its gendered dimensions.

Strengthen Coordination, Collaboration and Partnerships by:

        Enhance exchange of information including data


  • OCHA, including through the IASC, will promote greater and more systematic use of climate forecasting tools and impact analyses across the world - with a focus on both understanding the additional risks in existing crisis, in particular on the most vulnerable, and the most likely locations for new emergencies that will drive major humanitarian operations. This will look at both the use of short and long-term forecasting – ranging from capacity to predict localized flash flooding to the impact of longer-term climate change on fragile contexts.


  • OCHA will continue to work with partners to fill data gaps, ensure access to climate data through its Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX), and build capacity within the humanitarian sector for using climate data.